Count Dracula - 2010
"Every stop has been pulled, judging by Donald Roose III's three-story, paraphernalia-packed set.
Dramatic mist, lighting and surround-sound effects bespeak an extremely ingenious production team..."
- David McKee Las Vegas Citylife
The Little Dog Laughed - 2010
"When you first enter the Judy Bayley Theatre for Nevada Conservatory Theatre's "The Little Dog Laughed,"
you're practically blinded by a visual representation of the bright, pleasantly vulgar chic of show biz society.
Donald C. Roose III's versatile bedroom set is all solid squares of color, white scrim and modern up-scale
(but peculiarly sterile) ambiance. You feel as if money lives here instead of people."
- Anthony Del Valle Las Vegas Review-Journal
Reasons to be Pretty - 2009
"Their romantic illusions are punctured and deflated in a sloppy bedroom, in a factory breakroom and at
a shopping mall food court (all suggested by the elegant revolving platforms designed by Donald C. Roose III)."
- Joe Brown Las Vegas Sun
The Cradle Will Rock - 2009
"Director Robert Benedetti and set designer Donald C. Roose III create a marvelous town-hall, circus-tent
atmosphere that seems just the kind of place people would rally 'round in."
- Anthony Del Valle Las Vegas Review-Journal
"Every stop has been pulled, judging by Donald Roose III's three-story, paraphernalia-packed set.
Dramatic mist, lighting and surround-sound effects bespeak an extremely ingenious production team..."
- David McKee Las Vegas Citylife
The Little Dog Laughed - 2010
"When you first enter the Judy Bayley Theatre for Nevada Conservatory Theatre's "The Little Dog Laughed,"
you're practically blinded by a visual representation of the bright, pleasantly vulgar chic of show biz society.
Donald C. Roose III's versatile bedroom set is all solid squares of color, white scrim and modern up-scale
(but peculiarly sterile) ambiance. You feel as if money lives here instead of people."
- Anthony Del Valle Las Vegas Review-Journal
Reasons to be Pretty - 2009
"Their romantic illusions are punctured and deflated in a sloppy bedroom, in a factory breakroom and at
a shopping mall food court (all suggested by the elegant revolving platforms designed by Donald C. Roose III)."
- Joe Brown Las Vegas Sun
The Cradle Will Rock - 2009
"Director Robert Benedetti and set designer Donald C. Roose III create a marvelous town-hall, circus-tent
atmosphere that seems just the kind of place people would rally 'round in."
- Anthony Del Valle Las Vegas Review-Journal